Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hallwoeen with Sensory issues

What does Halloween look like for a kid with sensory issues? Halloween is Wildman's favortie holiday, even trumping Christmas! He plans his costume for six months and it is never just some easy to buy costume. When he was three he was a Gargoyle. He was completely obsessed with Gargoyles and insisted that this was what he had to be. Of course there were no gargoyle costumes available for little ones so Mom had to come up with the costume. Then he was Monster House. I spent several weeks working on transforming a large box into Monster House. Wildman was so excited and reviewed each aspect to be sure it was exactly as it should be. He then decided he could not wear it and we ran to walmart  and picked up a mummy costume which he said he could wear instead. Of course he did not wear that one either. Each year, after working so hard to get his costumes just right, he declares he will not wear the costume. After much bribery I get him into it for one picture then he quickly sheds it and wears a t-shirt and pants to trick or treat. This year I came across some wonderful tips for Halloween with kids with Sensory issues. One of the best tips was to make a costume shirt. That way they are just wearing a shirt. This sounded like it would really work for us so when Wildman asked to be R2D2, I was exstatic to find a sample of a costume made from a shirt with paint. Wildman was excited and enjoyed watching me make it. He tried it on and loved it. Halloween came around and Wildman once again declared he would not be dressing up to go trick or treating. He said he would just act out star wars and then everyone would give him a treat. I got him to put the shirt on to get a picture, then, amazingly, he forgot he had a costume on and wore it the whole night! Success at last! He had a great time trick or treating with our neighbors.We will definately try this strategy again next year!

Heavy metals and Glutathione

We have finally had our wonderful DAN nutritional doctor do some testing to get to the root causes of Wildman's issues. We have so far discovered that he has extremely low iron (like as in almost non existent), borderline diabetes (how can this be when he eats almost no sugar or processed foods?), high cholesterol(in a six year old?), and very low white blood cell count resulting in a depressed immune system. The hair analysis showed that he has high mercury and "very toxic levels" of almost all of the other metals tested for including lead and arsenic. Apparently his body is not producing the protein that binds to the toxins and sheds them. He has started oral Glutathione. I have read amazing stories about the wonders of this supplement but we will have to wait and see. We are on day four but on day three of taking it, he was able to play with our 4 year old neighbor outside all day(10-5 with a couple breaks for lunch and snack) with almost no problems. Never before has this happened, usually thirty minutes is about his limit with any kids! Is it a fluke or the Glutathione, I guess time will tell!